HCSO Corrections Personnel Receive Commendation
Hamilton County, TN – On Wednesday, June 22, 2016, Sheriff Jim Hammond, Chief Deputy Allen Branum, and Corrections Chief Joe Fowler, presented Corrections Sergeant Michael McGowan, Corporal Wesley Chambers, Officer Ashley Kramer, and Officer Timothy Denton a commendation and challenge coin for going above and beyond the call of duty. Also in attendance were members of the Command Staff and numerous corrections personnel.
These Corrections personnel were issued a commendation and challenge coin for their efforts notify emergency personnel and render aid to an inmate after she became unresponsive. This included CPR and the use of an AMBU bag.
Please offer Corrections Sergeant Michael McGowan, Corporal Wesley Chambers, Officer Ashley Kramer, and Officer Timothy Denton your congratulations.
Official Commendation Narrative
On January 10, 2016, at approximately 2206 Sergeant Michael McGowan and Corrections Officer Ashley Kramer displayed a high regard for the health and well-being of a female inmate.
The inmate had been arrested for DUI following a very bad car accident. The inmate was found unresponsive by Chattanooga Police Officers and transported by EMS to Memorial Hospital North where she was treated for an apparent overdose of heroin and other opioids. The inmate was given medicine and released to the Chattanooga Police Department's custody for transport to the jail.
During the intake process, the inmate was responsive, cooperative, and able to walk to 1HC1 to await the booking process.
When preparing to begin ending 2nd shift count, Officer Kramer voiced some concern for the inmate's health and well-being to Sergeant McGowan who agreed they needed to check on her before beginning count.
Upon checking on the inmate, Sergeant McGowan and Officer Kramer noticed her face was a grayish blue color and she was sitting in an awkward position on the bench. They immediately opened the cell door to further evaluate her condition. At this time, they noticed the inmate was having difficulty breathing and called for their colleagues and medical personnel to respond.
Corporal Chambers and Sergeant Michael Hughes responded and found the inmate non-responsive and in a state of agonal respiration. The inmate was lowered to the floor, EMS was called, Corporal Chamber began chest compressions, and Officer Denton utilized an AMBU bag to artificially breathe for the inmate. Nurses’ Jeff Williams and Kim Brown also responded to assist. Fire Department and EMS personnel responded shortly thereafter and transported the inmate to Erlanger Hospital for advanced treatment.
The concern for the health and well-being of the inmate demonstrated by Sergeant Michael McGowan and Officer Ashley Kramer, along with the support of their colleagues, Corporal Wesley Chambers and Corrections Officer
Timothy Denton, helped save the inmate's life.