Peake Charged with Criminal Conspiracy and other charges
The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office Narcotics and Special Operations Division in conjunction with the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) concluded a 2 month investigation with the arrest of Deborah Ann Peake 54, of 301 Mathews Drive, Jasper, AL. During the course of the investigation, Peake conspired with an undercover officer to break her son out of jail and then burning her son's vehicle for insurance benefits. Peake's son is currently incarcerated and awaiting trial in Alabama on Bank Robbery charges.
Peake was arrested after she drove to Chattanooga to meet with the undercover officer, at which time she paid him with money and prescription drugs to commit the crimes.
Peake was charged with Criminal Conspiracy, Felony Delivering Controlled Substance, Facilitation an Escape and Possession of a Firearm.