Prevent being a victim of theft
The reason crime happens is well known. Crime happens because there is a criminal to commit the crime and a victim who can be victimized as well as the opportunity for a crime to occur. We can reduce the likelihood of being a victim if we take away the opportunity for the criminal to make us his victim.
We all value a sense of security as a vital feature of the neighborhoods where we live. That is the reason that Neighborhood Watch programs are so successful. When people are willing to join together to increase neighborhood safety, this helps for everyone to get to know and look out for each other. A united community increases neighborhood cohesion and this prevents and reduces crime.
The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office wants to inform the citizens of Hamilton County of ways to prevent being a victim or at the least make it harder for a thief to target a neighborhood or home. Listed below are just a few hints for homeowners to take advantage of to make it easier to identify property in the event of a loss.
1. Do not leave garage doors open day or night if no one is home.
2. Document all serial numbers on electronic equipment
3. Do not leave valuable equipment, pocketbooks or billfolds in plain sight in your vehicle.
4. Document your vehicle tag and VIN numbers.
5. Do not leave open windows and doors if you are away from home.
6. Use an etching tool to put your drivers license number on your tools or any chosen means to mark for identification.
7. If possible have a fixed fireproof safe in your home to place valuable papers, jewelry or guns.
It is also suggested to keep two lists of the contents of your home along with identification numbers. You could keep one at the residence and have the second placed in a safe deposit box or other safe place of your choosing.
These tips can well be the reason someone will have their property returned to them in the event of a burglary or theft. It is also a valuable tool to assist the investigative detective in the process of the investigation and tracing stolen property