Prom Tips
Prom and graduation season is fast approaching. This is a wonderful time of celebration for all area high school students but especially juniors and seniors. Unfortunately, these happy occasions can sometimes involve underage drinking along with speed which can result in tragedy. Statistics show that the prom and graduation season during the months of April, May and June, is the single most dangerous time in most teens’ lives. It is critical that parents keep the lines of communication open when it comes to talking to their children about the dangers of underage drinking and drunk driving.
Tips for Teens
• Alcohol is illegal for persons under the age of twenty-one.
• Don’t let friends drink and drive.
• Plan ahead; make sure you have a safe plan for prom night.
• Do not accept any drinks from someone you do not know.
• Trust your instincts. If you feel endangered or uncomfortable, leave immediately.
• Intoxication by alcohol or drugs can lead to poor judgment and dangerous situations.
• It is illegal to alter your driver’s license or any other form of government identification.
• Remember to contact your parents if your plans change.
Prom night should be the best night of a teen’s life, not the last.