HCSO Involved in Deputy Involved Shooting – Deputy Injured
Hamilton County, TN – Earlier this morning at approximately 5:00 am, Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office deputies attempted to stop a vehicle that was reported stolen in Catoosa County, Georgia. The suspect failed to stop and a pursuit was initiated.
During the chase, the suspect began firing a weapon at deputies.
Shortly thereafter, deputies lost visual of the vehicle. Later that morning, Sheriff Austin Garrett located the suspect vehicle in the back of the Motel 6 parking lot on Bonny Oaks Drive. After locating the vehicle, the suspect fled and eventually crashed in the intersection of Martin Luther King Boulevard and Lindsay Street. At that time, the suspect exited the vehicle and began to exchange gunfire at deputies. Deputies then returned fire and the suspect was killed. One deputy was hit during the shooting and sustained non-life threatening injuries.
“While it is early in the investigative phase of this incident, this individual was intent on getting away from authorities and clearly didn’t care who he endangered in the process. I am very grateful our deputy only sustained non-life threatening injuries and was not killed while trying to protect our community and take this individual into custody. I am also very thankful no other HCSO deputies, other law enforcement personnel, or citizens were injured during this incident. This morning’s events highlight the incredible dangers our personnel face each day while performing their duties. I am honored to serve alongside the brave men and women of the HCSO as they protect and serve our community.” stated Sheriff Austin Garrett.
Hamilton County District Attorney Coty Wamp has directed the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI) to conduct the investigation into today’s deputy involved shooting.
Any further questions should be directed to Hamilton County District Attorney Coty Wamp or the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation.