HCSO to Participate in the 1st Annual Running Down Recidivism 5K
Sheriff Austin Garrett and HCSO Personnel to Participate in Running Down Recidivism 5K
Hamilton County, TN - The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office is partnering with Friend’s House Ministries and The Brave Effect for their 1st Annual Running Down Recidivism 5k on Saturday, September 17th.
The HCSO Reentry Program is a strong partner of Friend’s House Ministries. As their law enforcement partner, HCSO will be participating by having a team of runners and HCSO Reentry personnel present to share more about the program.
Friend’s House Ministries is a faith based ministry that makes housing affordable for men seeking freedom from addiction. Several former inmates of the Silverdale Detention Center who have participated in HCSO Reentry’s Program have stayed at Friend’s House after their release and have reentered society successfully.
The Brave Effect vision is to provide successful reentry by empowering people to successfully beat the odds of recidivism. They do this by a special curriculum program that begins before a person’s release, one on one coaching, employment services and more.
The Hamilton County Sheriff's Office is grateful to have Friends House Ministries and the Brave Effect as community partners in this worthwhile event.
For more information or to register to be a participant in please visit https://runningdownrecidivism.itsyourrace.com/event.aspx?id=15300.