HCSO Re-Entry Program Featured in Business Trend Magazine
Hamilton County, TN – The Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office Re-Entry Program has been highlighted in this month’s issue of Business Trend Magazine, a publication of the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce, and how it is helping inmates achieve the tools and resources necessary to transition back into society successfully.
The article, Iron Sharpens Iron: A New Workforce Starts Fresh, focuses on the HCSO Re-Entry Program and their successful partnership with Southern Spear Ironworks and the impact this program has had on former HCSO inmate, Phillip Richard. Phillip began working at Southern Spear Ironworks while still incarcerated at the Silverdale. During the program, he received the training necessary to transition to full-time employment after being released from custody.
The HCSO Re-Entry Program focuses on a holistic approach to helping inmates receive the education, training, and support necessary to re-enter society once being released. Supportive services include a variety of areas from mental health and wellness programs to literacy and emotional support-based initiatives.
“I am very proud of our Re-Entry Program and how it uniquely focuses on helping inmates achieve success by offering programming relating to education, workforce training, and services necessary to help them gain valuable skills and opportunities that will ultimately help them successfully reintegrate into society upon release.
“This article in Business Trend Magazine really highlights how our Re-Entry Program is impacting the lives of our inmates and helping them succeed. When inmates are released with access to gainful employment that pays a livable wage, they are less likely to return to a life of crime, which not only lowers our community’s recidivism rate and keeps our community safer, but helps us give inmates the opportunity to live better, more successful lives,” stated Sheriff Austin Garrett.
The HCSO would like to thank the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce and the staff of Business Trend Magazine for their efforts to highlight our Re-Entry Program and the unique, successful, partnership between our agency and Southern Spear Ironworks.
“My staff and I are grateful for the opportunity to share with the staff of Business Trend Magazine and the Chattanooga Chamber of Commerce the great work we are doing in the Silverdale Re-Entry Program,” stated Re-Entry Program Manager Scott Michiels. “Having the ability to teach these men and women the life and vocational skills they need to be successful and productive members of our community is important and necessary. The results of our Re-Entry Program’s efforts are helping to lower our community’s recidivism rate which ultimately helps make our community safer and more productive,” he further noted.
The HCSO would also like to thank Southern Spear Ironworks for their willingness to support our Re-Entry Program and the opportunities they have given Phillip and other inmates in order to achieve gainful employment.
You can read the article here: Iron Sharpens Iron: A New Workforce Starts Fresh – Business Trend (chattanoogatrend.com)