Security Shifts - Three security shifts provide around the clock custody and control of the inmate population as well as the daily operations of the jail. Correctional Officers are assigned to a variety of positions that include floor operations (inmate housing units), visitation, central control, booking, court holding, internal and external transportation duties.
Mental Health Transports - The Corrections Division has been tasked with providing transportation services for citizens within Hamilton County who have been identified as potentially harmful to themselves or others as a result of mental health problems. A Crisis Response Team member who makes a determination that the citizen may be at risk conducts an assessment. A Certificate of Need is prepared and the jail is contacted requesting transportation. Transportation is typically provided from the scene to Moccasin Bend Mental Health Facility or any other designated facility.

7609 Standifer Gap Rd
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone: (423) 209-7055 (Mon-Fri 8am-4pm)
Phone: (423) 209-7125 (Outside normal business hours)
Fax: (423) 209-7051
The Booking Section is a twenty-four hour, seven day per week operation and is responsible for the intake and processing of all admissions into the Hamilton County Jail and Detention Center.The Booking Section is comprised of five posts: Intake, Data Entry, Fingerprint/ID, NCIC/RMS, and First Floor Operations.
The jail currently books approximately 20,000-25,000 detainees each year.
Security Division
Several components make up this section. They include:
- Security
- Security Supervisor
- Disciplinary/Workforce Officer
- Segregation/Movement Officer
- Security Intelligence Officer
- Recreation Officer
Security - This area plays a significant role within the daily operation of the Corrections Division. This section is responsible for security operations, physical plant security, emergency plans, fire and life safety, security vulnerability assessments, security threat group management, transports, equipment upkeep, inmate phone system, video monitoring system, radio frequency identification devices, and compiling the monthly security report.
Security Supervisor - This supervisor oversees daily operation and coordinates all safety and security inspections of the facility and follow up on needed repairs and/or corrections, responsible for facility key and lock control, video monitoring equipment, security equipment inventory, communications equipment, kitchen tool inventory and equipment, and vehicle maintenance and upkeep; oversees the Security Threat Group (STG) task force, visitation, inmate workforce and recreation programs, disciplinary process, segregated inmates; high risk, administrative, disciplinary, pre-hearing disciplinary, protective custody, special needs inmates, kitchen tool inventory and equipment; and contraband reduction program; coordinate inmate transports, movement of inmates within the facility to medical, programs, arraignment, court assigned housing areas pending and after classification; conducts educational tours and outside training for the general public as well as other agencies. He is actively involved with in-service and pre-service training.
Segregation/Movement Officer - This officer monitors all inmates housed in a segregation area. He monitors inmates in all classes of Administrative and Disciplinary segregation to ensure the need for segregation is necessary, and ensures those serving a disciplinary segregation sentence are removed on their expiration date. This officer also ensures that weekly and monthly segregation reviews are conducted by appropriate staff members. He works in a coordinated effort with the Classification Section, Medical, and Case Management to ensure that all inmates are properly housed. He also coordinates the movement of inmates throughout the facility in compliance with the Classification decisions. This officer is actively involved in the facility training program.
Security Intelligence Officer - This officer conducts in-house investigations on Protective Custody, Security Threat Groups, Grievances, and Disciplinary infractions as directed by the Security Supervisor. He also maintains the inmate phone system, oversees needed repairs, coordinates updates, and makes recommendations on improvements. This officer is actively involved in the facility training program.
Recreation Officer - This officer ensure that all inmates have an opportunity to indoor/outdoor recreation as scheduled; maintains operational schedule of organized recreational activities; Oversees and maintains accountability for all recreational equipment; Supervises the operation of the inmate library; Locates and maintains a good supply and diversity of acceptable paperback reading material for distribution to inmates. He also oversees the distribution of legal and bulk mail to the inmate population.

Captain John Hargis
7609 Standifer Gap Rd
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone: (423) 209-6998
Fax: (423) 209-7051

The goal of the Training Section is to prepare Corrections Division Staff for situations that may be encountered in their daily duties. The protection of employees and inmates are a primary reason to ensure that everyone is adequately trained and knowledgeable in routine and emergency procedures.
The pre-service program for new employees is a 240 hour program that mixes classroom time and “hands on” application. The training topics meet all Tennessee Corrections Institute and American Correctional Association standards in addition to other selected topics geared to meet the needs of the facility. A recent development in this program includes in depth mental health awareness training. The Facility’s Case Manager provides this program. Topics include mental health issues, suicide screening and intervention, and critical stress debriefing procedures.
All correctional staff are mandated by the Tennessee Corrections Institute (T.C.I.) to attend a minimum of 40 hours of annual in-service training.

Lt. Michael McGowan
7609 Standifer Gap Rd
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Phone: (423) 209-7264
Fax: (423) 209-7051