The Records Division is a central repository for securing and distribution criminal records, designed to meet the needs of the Hamilton County Sheriff’s Office, other law enforcement agencies and the general public. To accomplish this goal, it must maintain the highest level of up-to-date and accurate information, complying with all state and national standards.
Records is responsible for:
- Maintaining accurate and secure databases of all law enforcement reports, including jail files and folders.
- Transmitting reports to TIBRS (Tennessee Incident Based Reporting System) on crime in Tennessee. Maintaining files on all certified TIES/NLETS/NCIC operators.
- Making entries into TCIC/NCIC on wanted persons and protection orders, as well as validating records of the same (800 NCIC entries in 2009).
- Assisting the public with regards to obtaining copies of accident reports, arrest reports, etc.
- Sending notifications to individuals and insurance companies regarding towed or wrecked vehicles.
- Processing paperwork for criminal history background checks (1,000 in 2009), which also includes handgun permit requests (2,300 in 2009).
Chattanooga, TN 37402
Phone: (423) 209-7111
Fax: (423) 209-7112